The coronavirus creates a breeding ground for financial problems for many Belgians. There is therefore a great need for additional protective measures. That is why the Justice Committee recently discussed a legislative proposal that aims to tackle the problem of over-indebtness.

The legislative proposal wanted to improve temporary and structural debt assistance. The digital mediation and communication platform, One, was also included. This platform focuses on Belgians with a problematic debt burden who currently fall outside the existing aid framework. One of our candidate judicial officers provided an explanatory statement about this.

Ultimately, the Justice Committee was prepared to expand the existing database CBB. This is already a step in the right direction, because One was actually developed as an extension of the CBB to meet new challenges in the field. However, One offers more benefits than an extended CBB database. One also provides free assistance to debtors and enables secure online communication between the actors involved.

Het voorgestelde wetsvoorstel wou de tijdelijke en structurele schuldhulpverlening verbeteren. Ook het digitaal bemiddelings- en communicatieplatform, One, werd erin opgenomen. Het platform heeft namelijk oog voor Belgen met een problematische schuldenlast die momenteel buiten het bestaande hulpkader vallen. Eén van onze kandidaat-gerechtsdeurwaarders gaf hieromtrent een toelichting.

Could this proposal help people in debt quickly, professionally and free of charge? Yes. Un fortunately, MEPs have not yet approved the proposal at this stage. We understand that there is still uncertainty about certain aspects. That is why Modero continues to monitor parliamentary activities and we continue to work towards structural debt assistance. In the meantime, One will continue to exist in Antwerp, its use is free and the National Chamber of Judicial Officers (NKGB) will offer the mediation platform nationally to all judicial officers and CPAS.