We are always available to answer your questions. We will do so by phone, e-mail, post and in person. Read on to find out more about how you can reach us. Our employees are always glad to help you. However, we would like to ask you to keep our correspondence handy when calling or visiting us and stating our reference in written correspondence.
Our employees understand that finding a solution for outstanding debt can be very stressful at times. However, we would like to ask you to stay calm in order to give our employees the chance to find a solution together with you. It goes without saying that a positive attitude makes this a lot easier.
Sometimes it occurs that despite dedication and expertise, your company runs into trouble due to an excess of red tape and regulation, lack of time or insufficient knowledge of the available options.
In this case, we can give you advice, and, if necessary, refer you to specialists in the field that can help you find a solution.
Modero Antwerpen
Contact desk address | Sterstraat 32 B - 2018 Antwerpen |
Postal address | Mechelsesteenweg 203 B - 2018 Antwerpen |
Telephone Fax Account No VAT-No |
03 237 37 37 03 237 38 53 info@modero.be BE56 3200 1395 0488 BE 474.215.974 |
Opening times (contact desk and by telephone)
Monday - Friday from 8 AM to 6 PM
Modero Geel
Address | Pas 44 B - 2440 Geel |
Telephone Fax Account No VAT-No |
014 56 35 35 014 56 35 30 info@modero-geel.be BE97 6455 0089 9749 BE 474.215.974 |
Opening times (contact desk and by telephone)
Monday - Friday from 9 AM to 5 PM
Modero Mechelen
Address |
Schuttersvest 42 |
Telephone Fax Account No VAT-No |
015 21 88 85 015 21 27 76 info@modero-mechelen.be BE91 7340 1999 8476 BE 888.329.859 |
Opening hours:
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 8.30 AM - 4 PM
Wednesday and Friday from 9.30 AM - 12.30 PM
Central administration | Alsembergsesteenweg 995 B - 1180 Ukkel |
Branch office | Bevrijdingslaan 22 B - 1640 Sint-Genesius-Rode |
Branch office | Stationstraat 42 1s B - 1040 Etterbeek |
Branch office | Researchlaan 12 B - 1070 Anderlecht |
Branch office | Tweekerkenstraat 108 B - 1210 Sint-Joost-ten-Node |
Telephone Fax Account No VAT-No |
02 537 37 37 02 533 20 10 info@modero-brussel.be BE88 8601 1357 3541 BE 837.531.553 |
Opening times central administration
Monday - Friday from 10 AM to 4 PM
Opening times branch offices
Monday - Friday from 10 AM to 1 PM or after appointment
Modero Dendermonde
Address | Gentsesteenweg 105 B-9200 Dendermonde |
Telephone Fax Account No VAT-No |
03 776 38 46 - dendermonde@modero.be BE82 7370 3377 7968 BE 837.616.675 |
Modero Sint-Niklaas
Address | Bedrijvencentrum Waasland Industriepark-West 75 B-9100 Sint-Niklaas |
Telephone Fax Account No VAT-No |
03 776 38 46 - dendermonde@modero.be BE82 7370 3377 7968 BE 837.616.675 |
Opening times (contact desk and by telephone)
Monday - Friday from 8.30 AM to 12.30 AM and from 1 PM to 5 PM
Address | Kortrijksesteenweg 859 B-9000 Ghent |
Telephone Account No VAT-No |
09 380 35 45 |
Opening times (contact desk and by telephone)
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: from 8.00 AM to 5 PM
Wednesday: 8.00 AM to 2 PM
Central administration and contact address | Eynestraat 54 B - 3800 Zepperen |
Contact desk address | Oude Markt 12/1 B-3600 Genk |
Contact desk address | Marie Popelinstraat 4 3500 Hasselt |
Telephone Fax Account No VAT-No |
012 37 37 37 012 39 21 61 info@modero-limburg.be BE54 3631 4627 2097 BE 628.660.958 |
Opening times (contact desk and by telephone)
Monday - Friday from 9 AM to 12:30 PM
Telephone Fax Account No VAT-No |
016 20 37 37 016 50 02 04 info@modero-leuven.be BE33 3631 4893 4446 BE 634.947.944 |
Address | Koningin Astridlaan 29/5 B - 8200 Brugge |
Telephone Fax Account No VAT-No |
050 37 37 37 050 31 31 86 west@modero.be BE66 0689 0077 2743 BE 555.873.049 |
Opening times (contact desk and by telephone)
Monday - Friday from 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM and from 1.30 PM to 5 PM
Address |
Kruisstraat 16 |
Opening times (contact desk)
Monday - Friday from 9:00 AM to 12:00 AM
Address | Grand-rue 99 B-6791 Athus |
Telephone Fax Account No VAT-No |
063 38 88 38 063 38 85 24 luxembourg@modero.be BE86 2670 0256 3950 BE0560982474 |
Opening hours:
Monday - Friday from 8.30 AM to 5 PM
Except from Wednesdays open until 3 PM
Address |
Rue Saint-Bernard 67 |
Telephone Account No VAT-No |
087 63 11 64 liege@modero.be BE85 6304 1621 2006 BE 700.782.438 |
Opening hours:
Monday - Friday from 9 AM to 4 PM
Central administration address | Avenue des Bassins 44 B-7000 Mons |
Place du Becquerelle 1/03 7500 Tournai |
Contact desk address | Rue du Transvaal 248 B-6010 Charleroi (Couillet) |
Telephone Fax Account No VAT-No |
065 35 14 51 065 78 02 52 hainaut@modero.be BE37 0689 0753 2128 BE 680.395.414 |
Opening hours:
Monday - Friday from 8.30 AM - 5 PM
Central administration address |
Avenue Fernand Charlot 10/GVL B-1370 Jodoigne |
Contact desk address Contact desk address |
Place Albert 1er 9 Rue Longue 21 /J1 |
Telephone Fax Account No VAT-No |
010 24 46 14 010 88 11 25 brabant-wallon@modero.be BE89 7320 3309 9885 BE 880.623.012 |
Opening hours:
Central administration: Monday - Friday from 8 AM to 6 PM
Contact desk Nivelles: Monday - Friday from 9 AM to 12 AM
Contact desk Braine-l'Alleud: Monday - Friday from 1.30 PM to 4.30 PM
Central administration address | Rue de la Voie Cuivrée 46 B-5503 Dinant (Sorinnes) |
Contact desk | Square 1 B-5575 Gedinne |
Boulevard d'Herbatte 85/1 B-5000 Namur |
Rue Piervenne 5 B-5590 Ciney |
Chaussée de Tirlemont 75/1.12 B-5030 Gembloux |
Rue du Calvaire 1/A B-5620 Florennes |
Telephone Fax Account No VAT-No |
082 22 50 50 082 22 50 55 info@chartierpartners.be BE94 0688 9456 1814 BE 843.709.265 |
Opening hours:
Monday - Friday from 8 AM to 12.30 PM and from 1 PM to 5 PM