Is your company facing customers who are refusing to pay? Bad debtors can be a serious threat to your company. Rigorous credit management often makes the difference between profit and loss. How do you avoid the time-consuming follow-up of outstanding receivables without abandoning your customer-centred approach? How to generate maximum financial return without risking your reputation?


The starting point of the cooperation is Modero’s personal approach: the Modero Way. Modero is convinced of the social relevance of judicial officers. The focus is both on resolving payment disputes and on preventing them. This belief is key to our vision. Modero considers the debtor to be the customer and the creditor to be the client. This results in a uniform working method with a unique cost efficiency.


Modero always attempts to provide a solution tailored to every client’s needs. After all, their needs are always different. Therefore, the method of cooperation is always carefully discussed in advance. Modero draws up specific agreements with you about the course of affairs in each case, to ensure the right focus and the desired results. Maintaining your commercial relationship with your customer is key to this approach.

Also read:
A result-oriented amicable debt collection
Solvency as a strategy
Experience in legal proceedings
High-quality service in specific matters
Expertise in International debt collection